Stop Guilty Anxiety

The Logical Soul® is a simple technique that allows you to quickly experience the following:

  • Elimination of Festering Guilty Anxiety
  • More Peace and Happiness
  • Improved Motivation
  • Better Health
  • More Harmonious Relationships
  • & Much, Much More! 

See the testimonials below to see how the Logical Soul® has brought great relief to those suffering from guilt, anxiety, and related problems. 

Linda’s Guilty Anxiety Relieved

How Our Method Works…

Dr. Michael Craig writes:  “The Logical Soul® technique was developed over the past 30 years to help me much quickly find and eliminate a patient’s blocks to personal growth, health and happiness.  Both my wife, Soma, and I have used it successfully for years to help people with anxiety arising from guilt, and for similar problems.”

He continues:  “Originally we used the method for anxiety-related problems.  Soon, however, we discovered that our method was also highly effective in cases involving broken relationship issues, money issues, and other problems we did not anticipate.   We noticed, however, that the guilt anxiety was very prevalent among parents and those who felt responsible for others and felt they let them down in some way . . . even if the other person in question was abusive!  This ‘victim paralysis’ was often preceded by a heavy guilt anxiety which was often used by the abuser as a tool to keep them in line.”

Dr. Craig and Soma feel they can relate to the guilt anxiety sufferers of the world.  “We were both stuck in abusive relationships a few decades ago” he says, “that resulted in physical abuse (in Soma’s case) and the eventual suicide death of my own partner.  We both felt tremendous guilt arising from these events . . . almost to the point of feeling suicidal.

“The guilt anxiety eventually subsided, but never went away until we started using my techniques,” adds Dr. Craig.  “The Logical Soul® method was developed primarily to address the pain we both felt at the time . . . and as a way we could release this pain and heal on a much deeper level.”

Michael Craig goes on to emphasize that, while his method is not a cure-all for all anxiety, “guilt anxiety will be lessened considerably, usually in less than one hour.   Guilty anxiety is usually a powerful hindrance to loving relationships, health and wealth.  Most people, however,  don’t want to take drugs like Zolof and other anxiety-depressants to solve the problem.  They know these drugs are only temporary fixes, and also makes them feel foggy headed, numb, and otherwise out of touch with their true happy feelings.”

Adds Soma Craig:  “We’ve been helping patients and clients get resolution on their guilt anxiety for years now.  This simple but powerful technique doesn’t involve the use of hypnosis, drugs, or long extensive (and expensive) therapy sessions to discover the cause of the guilt or anxiety.  Also, therapy usually takes months or years to bring about results.  We can get results in an hour or two.”

“The reason for this,”  adds Dr. Craig, “is because the mind and body, quite frankly, can heal itself!” Dr. Craig goes on to elaborate:  “It starts with the interview.  This is a very important phase where Soma or I will actually listen to the patient or client.  Often in their speaking lies the key to unlock their hidden subconscious decisions.

“We then have the patient or client make a series of statements or affirmations that we will test using muscle testing, surrogate or other methods of testing for feedback.   I use the muscle testing mostly to show the patient or client that their subconscious ‘being’ is either in agreement, or NOT in agreement with their statement or affirmation.  This method allows us to discover what I call  ‘linchpin decisions,’ or subconscious hidden decisions that hold the guilt anxiety in place within the brain and nervous system, and get Access to change them.  These decisions, when exposed,  accessed, and released or changed, can alter the person’s perception, and change their life!  The final phase is the Resolution, which is usually accompanied by a rush of good feeling and deep relaxation in the body-mind.”

Dr. Craig points out that the whole process takes about an hour, but that often clients want two or more hours to be able to clear even deeper issues.  “It is fast, effective, and completely normal and natural.  You are not hypnotized or ‘put under’ in any way, and are completely aware throughout the procedure” he adds.

Dr. Craig and Soma also say that while they normally spend an hour for each issue,  sometimes layers of the same issue can bubble up.  They gave the example of a client who presented one issue related to money, but discovery indicated there was a major problem with his relationship to his father.   After about 4-5 sessions,  they were able to resolve, not only the underlying family issues, but the main issue itself.

“Once we resolved these deeper relationship issues, he was finally free to start attracting (and receiving)  more money right away . . . and he did!”

Here’s what others had to say…

Toni Finds Peace

“My (Logical Soul®) session with Michael was profound and in many ways so much more than I expected . . .  would best be described as therapeutic (for guilt anxiety).  By that I mean, after (my son) John passed 19 months ago, I had about six therapy sessions.  The Hospice Therapist was new at this work, therefore inexperienced.  She was a loving, compassionate young woman, but I did not find my time with her to be helpful in handling the grief.  Honestly, I felt I was helping and teaching her more than she me.

“This past June, when my grieving was again accelerating (due to what would have been John’s upcoming 50th birthday, I am sure), I decided to go to another therapist (Jungian).  After a few sessions, realizing I was not receiving the help I needed, I stopped the sessions.  My hour with you was the best therapy session I have ever experienced, few that they may have been.  I have told all my Circle friends this.

“I was surprised when you found that I had not made a firm commitment to stay on this planet.  I sincerely believed I had dealt with that issue successfully; one I readily admit I had after my loving son transitioned.  So, I have thought a great deal about this since the session, and I acknowledge that you are correct.  I simply have been better able to hide it from others.  Now that it is out, so to speak, I am again working to find a place of joy so that I do wish to stay.  Also, working to trust life again.  Infinite love and gratitude to you both…”
– E-Mail from Toni (North Carolina, 10/22/12)

Having Guilty Anxiety? 

Book a Logical Soul® Session – Click on the Button Below
Or Call Sedi  via Phone or WhatsApp:   

(01) (470) 328-3657

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