Dr. Michael Craig, Vol. 5, #25 – June 27, 2017
My wife Soma and I are working on a book, this one entitled Men Are Stupid, Women Are Crazy… its a working title, but that pretty much covers the theme.
We committed to spending one hour a day brainstorming and recording the session. Today it started.
The session was hard – not because of the actual work involved – but because we communicate so differently. She talked on and on about addressing women who totally ‘get’ her. Then she added that women have their own understanding, and it only takes a few words between them to get things that men will never understand.
That’s just crazy talk. But she’s right.
I will never understand. I also believe most other men won’t either . . . that is until we break the “code” that keeps the sexes apart and start accepting the other as they are, instead of projecting out own expectations onto them.
Hey men: you and I will never understand a woman’s “emotional logic” anymore than we can fly by flapping our arms. While we complain that women are never ready for our intimate advances (they “need too much foreplay”), they complain we are too slow when it comes to EMOTIONAL readiness, i.e., we men need too much “emotional foreplay”!
Are men stupid? Only if we deny this problem exists.
Soma and I have been through all of this in our 24 years of being together. And it never gets boring to hear that all couples – young or old – have the same barriers to success in love. Unlike many other couples, however, we have been able to (mostly) work though our difficulties by coming up with a viable communication tool – Logical Soul® – that helps us clear up stuff that would normally tear us apart.
By sharing our experiences and our tools, we are better able than most to help couples not only adjust to each other, but to become closer and closer as time goes on. Soma, in fact because of this work, is my best friend, and has been since we’ve been together.
You and yours can have this too.
More next week,