Dr. Michael Craig, Vol. 5, #22 – June 6, 2017
The Blob Got Us…
Last week, I was unable to send out the Ezine to over 95% of my list due to a database problem on my server. So, to those of you who missed the exciting Part 1 of this series, I’ve created a link where you can still read it…
—–> Click Here To See Last Weeks Ezine Article <—–
In the previous Ezine I discussed media as “The Blob” and how it can tie up your time, rot your brain and create an addiction that is only now beginning to be recognized.
The main symptom of media addiction is “brain warp.” The language centers of the brain get turned upside down. while some might consider this an evolutionary advantage (particularly in Millennium group culture), many start losing the ability to make verbal distinctions and utilize critical thinking.
A meme is more than just a cute picture saying on Instagram. In his book Virus of the Mind (Integral Press, Seattle, 1996), author Richard Brodie defines the meme as a “mind virus” and gives extensive examples of how these viruses only benefit themselves – not human beings. Memes can warp your thinking to no one’s advantage save the meme’s.
We currently live in a world of toxic – and dangerous – memes. By simply even giving your opinion in a public gathering, you run the immediate risk of being labeled either a rightist homophobic, Islamophobic fascist climate-change-denying deplorable, or a leftist commie, tree-hugging, thumb-sucking, femi-nazi liberal.
All such labels are memes. And all are destructive.
The Remedy
The first step to wiping out dangerous memes is to first recognize them for what they are – simple thought patterns knitted together and anchored to some deep emotional need or attachment. Once you recognize your need to “march” or “protest” as an infection of your brain, it will be much easier to let it go.
Letting go of memes does NOT mean letting go of who you are. Only you can make that link, since the meme is only a phantom program that traps your deepest emotions into thinking THIS THING will destroy (or save) the world!
If you are protesting Trump, for example, because he’s “destroying the planet,” take a moment to look at what actually drives you. Love for the planet? Perhaps. A fear of his “insanity”? Maybe. A need to feel significant? More likely.
The causes of memes are always internal in nature, not external events.
We all want to feel significant, make a difference and save the whales, children, and planet. We also want to save the country, drive away invaders and be left alone. Whatever drives you, look at what actions are most effective in achieving this drive, does it involve a Win-Win solution (as opposed to zero-sum) AND what is most important to you: you spouse and family – or your perceived “mission.”
My mission back in the mid 1990’s was emotionally driven to expose the IRS and bring government into alignment with the Constitution. My whole being was wrapped up into seeing “justice” being done. That, and being left alone.
It didn’t work. The IRS is still going strong, government is still corrupt, I was never left alone, and nothing I did made any difference . . . except that I went broke during that period and put a big strain on my marriage.
Fortunately, I woke up, let go of the fear, and started playing the “good citizen game” just for kicks. This, in turn, allowed me to start focusing on my REAL mission, i.e., wiping out all virulent memes in the world with Logical Soul® through books, courses, and training events.
While even this latest mission also seems impossible, I can still be a voice crying in the wilderness to “Let It Go” and be happy! All I can do is chip away – and enjoy the chipping. And you can help: start with yourself.
To being free and happy,