[EZINE] Weird Australian Math…?

logical soul ezine

Dr. Michael Craig

Vol. 4, #15 – April 11, 2016

Arithmetic Down Under…

Hey [newsfield name=”name”]…

I have a very smart friend in Australia named David Cummings.  He’s an engineer, a business marketing genius . . .  and has a very unique way of seeing things using some very weird math…

One day we were sitting around chewing the the Vegemite with some shrimps on the Bar-Bee (just kidding – I’ve not yet been to Australia.  Want to.  Heard its lovely.  But I digress…)

Anyway, we Skype quite often.  One day on Skype he told me that – by giving away more stuff – I could actually attract more coaching clients.  He said he’s been marketing like this for years, and the results were amazing.

At first glance, I saw nothing weird about this.  I, too, recommend giving away free coaching sessions in my book The Six Figure Coach. David, however, added a real twist to this wild and woolly giveaway idea… and posted a great article to share with my followers:

—->  Here is David’s Article on the Free Giveaway Idea <—–

The thing that puzzled me was this:  Why was he recommending giving away THREE things? . . . In addition to the Free Sessions?  This was strange math to me, i.e., 1 minus 1 minus 1 is NOT supposed to equal THREE!

But I guess it does in Australia, sort of . . . like how the water circles counter-clockwise going down the drain?  😉

—-> Find out how David does this here <—–

So check it out.  All I can tell you is that David’s formula involves giving away unique information products along with your free coaching that are almost guaranteed to attract – and keep – more paying clients!

—–> Click Here To Check It Out <—–

To your success,
