Recent Covid delta outbreak in India
According to my former Director, Jayul Doshi, “things are really bad here” as he refers to the latest spread of Covid and its delta offspring in the Indian subcontinent. “People are dying in the streets and there’s not enough room at the crematoria to burn the bodies!”
Jayul was simply giving me a heads up last month about what has become international news . . . that the new Covid strain in India is causing widespread hardship and deaths in the population that will take years to recover from.
“You left just in time!” Jayul told me recently in a private conversation, referring to my March 3rd departure. “My God, you left just in time!!”
Apparently, Covid delta cases in India started spiking shortly after my departure, currently resulting in over 300,000 deaths in India alone (see https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/ for current updates). While the numbers began to fall in mid-May, the hardships will continue for some time.
Even Dr. John Clark was not immune, having contracted Covid weeks after my departure and surviving only because of Jayul’s insistence he get treatment with platelets. In the midst of all this chaos, Dr. George Blackwood also arrived from the US. Despite reduced clinic hours because of Covid, he will be utilized for work as soon as possible alongside Dr. John and Dr. Kruti Vora.
As a result of this latest onslaught in India, I decided to take a job with The Joint Chiropractic, covering a few offices part -time in Gwinnett County, Georgia. I will probably remain at this job until the fall, when it may be safe enough to return to Asia.