Logical Soul Program Is Ready To Launch

Logical Soul© sessions will soon be available via remote chat (Zoom & WhatsApp) for clients around the world who want to receive them from Dr. Michael and Soma Craig. “We have clients in both the USA and in India, and a few scattered around the world,” explained Dr. Craig. “We had to come up with […]

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New Covid Strain Runs Amok in India

According to my former Director, Jayul Doshi, “things are really bad here” as he refers to the latest spread of Covid and its delta offspring in the Indian subcontinent. “People are dying in the streets and there’s not enough room at the crematoria to burn the bodies!” Jayul was simply giving me a heads up […]

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Dr. Craig is Back in the USA

Because work and health circumstances have changed and other chiropractors have arrived or been established (Dr. John and Dr. Kruti), Dr. Michael Craig has left India for his home in Atlanta, effective March 3, 2021. Clinic director Jayul Doshi (left) says “Dr. Craig will be sorely missed.  He is responsible for the great successes of […]

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